Malin Head goes Green for St Patrick’s Day

The people of Donegal are very aware of Malin Head and its significance. In fact, almost every Irish person will have heard of Malin Head at some stage in their life. Mainly due to its regular mention on national weather forecasts and some will even know that it is the most northerly point on the island of Ireland, but what else do you know about it?

Well, this coming St Patrick’s weekend it is set to join the pantheon of spectacular locations throughout the world that will be illuminated in a swathe of green light, in celebration of one of the most recognised National Holidays on the world calendar. Ireland and St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in almost every country across the world on the 17th March, and this year, in recognition of the recent trend of turning famous landmarks green for the occasion, Donegal Tourism in conjunction with Donegal County Council plan to light up our very own spectacular natural landmark. It has happened to the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney Opera House, and the Great Wall of China. Now it is time to illuminate one of Ireland’s most significant locations and one that has a lot more to offer than one might first imagine.

When it comes to Malin Head, there is much to learn. It is an area of great scenic beauty, and also of historical, scientific and ecological importance. Come and experience spectacular rock formations of stunning beauty and imaginative names such as Banba’s Crown, Devil’s Bridge, Hell’s Hole, or Five Fingers Strand. One of the first points of interest on the newly established Wild Atlantic Way, Malin offers unique bird watching opportunities, with an array of rare and endangered species; unspoiled natural flora; and a stunning canvass for any budding or professional photographer. Historically, it has been one of the primary links between Europe and America during the dawning of the Age of Radio Signalling, from The Tower at Banba’s Crown; or at low tide, perhaps you can spot the wreck of the Twilight, which sank in 1889 on its voyage to Derry.

Tourism Development Officer for Donegal County Council, Kevin O’Connor remarked, “Malin is a vital tourism attraction for the county, attracting in excess of 100,000 visitors a year, so we thought if it is good enough for the famous landmarks all across the world, why not for Ireland’s most Northerly Point. Malin Head will be illuminated in green on the 16th and 17th March, so if you’d like to see one of the world’s spectacular landmarks lit up for Paddy’s Day you need travel no further than the top of the country”.

Make St. Patrick’s Day a day to explore a little bit of Ireland for you and your family. You won’t be disappointed.