Donegal Prospectus hailed a positive boost for the future

The new Donegal Prospectus has been described as having an important role in presenting this county as an excellent place to do business for companies thinking of locating in Ireland.

Donegal ProspectusThe glossy 48-page publication is to be used to attract foreign investment and showcase the county to potential investors and entrepreneurs all over the world. It highlights the world class employment and investment opportunities here and the full range of services required for an excellent quality of life.

The launch, which took place at Oakfield Park, Raphoe on Wednesday afternoon, was hosted by renowned businessman Sir Gerry Robinson and his wife Lady Heather and attended by a diverse range of business and community interests from all over the county.

Speaking at the occasion Donegal County Council Chief Executive, Seamus Neely said the new Donegal Prospectus presented the county as an excellent place to live, work and do business.

Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Cathaoirleach, Sir Gerry Robinson, Lady Heather Robinson
and Seamus Neely, Chief Executive Donegal County Council
at the launch of the Donegal Prospectus at Oakfield Park Raphoe.
“We are delighted to have been able to showcase a small selection of the successful companies operating in the county. The Doing Business in Donegal section demonstrates the range of sectors, skills capability and success of some of the companies located here in the county.

“Donegal County Council has worked closely with many of these companies over the years and together with the other support agencies in the county will continue to support new and existing companies and to work to attract further inward investment to Donegal. 

Mr Neely added that a very important theme of the Donegal Prospectus was the availability of crucial services such as health and education to people wishing to relocate to Donegal.

“Individuals and families can be assured of the high quality services available right throughout the county.  The added value of the North West Gateway Initiative and our collaborative working relationship with Derry City and Strabane District Council, provides a critical mass to ensure the continued development of shared services in the North West region in areas including health and education, for example, the Altnagelvin Radiotherarpy services, the proposed A5 / A6 route and the Donegal Clinical Research Academy.”
Dr. Ciaran Richardson, Randox Teo, Seamus Neely, Chief Executive Donegal County Council,
Gerard Grant, Pramerica, Sir Gerry Robinson, Cllr. Ciaran Brogan, Cathaoirleach,
Lady Heather Robinson, Michael O hEanaigh, Donegal County Council,
Steve O'Culainn, Udaras na nGaeltachta,
Pauline Bradley, Randoc, Cllr. Martin Harley.

He added the vibrant quality of life on offer in Donegal was second to none and it is only when carrying out an exercise like developing the Prospectus that one actually takes stock of and appreciated the wonderful place in which they lived.
Guest speakers at the launch, Dr Ciaran Richardson, Research and Development Manager, Randox, Dungloe and Gerard Grant Vice-President, IT and Facilities, Pramerica, Letterkenny outlined the many reasons why their respective companies chose to set up in the county and spoke glowingly of the many positive advantages they discovered as a result.

Both said they were impressed with the people, the places and the quality of workforce they had and said they were certain it was a huge part of their continued success.  They also noted that the Donegal Prospectus will be an important tool for them in recruiting top class employees to their companies and in turn to Donegal.

Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council Cllr. Ciaran Brogan
addressing the audienceat the launch of the
Donegal Prospectus at Oakfield Park Raphoe.
Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council, Cllr Ciaran Brogan said the new Prospectus captured the essence of the Donegal that business owners, employers, employees, families and residents of the county know and love.

“For the first time, we have encapsulated all that the county has to offer in a publication which we hope will travel near and far,” he said. 

Looking through the Prospectus, the Cathaoirleach said it was clear to him that they were presenting the county in a positive and upbeat light by highlighting not only the continued success of businesses operating and thriving in the county but also the wide range of services, supports and activities available to anyone thinking of locating in or returning to Donegal. 

“We have recently had two major business expansion announcements in the county and are delighted to have representatives from both Randox and Pramerica here today to share their experiences of doing business successfully in and from Donegal.  These expansions will hopefully bring hundreds of new jobs to the county and may even attract more inward investment to the county and to the North West region,” he said.

He added he felt the Prospectus could play an important role in presenting this location as an excellent place to do business for companies thinking of locating in Ireland - outlining the ease of access, the ever-developing infrastructure and the world-class ICT facilities.

“The publication will also assist new companies in attracting potential employees and members of our Diaspora back to the county with the promise of employment and an excellent quality of life.  This will have the impact of strengthening our communities, enhancing our society and adding to the already educated and skilled workforce in the county,” said Cllr Brogan.

The Donegal Prospectus was designed by local firm Grace Ann Consultancy and was produced by Donegal County Council working closely with a range of partner organisations in both the public and private sector.  The Donegal Prospectus will be distributed both locally and internationally through the many global connections that Donegal has developed in recent years through the Donegal Diaspora project.

The audience at the launch of the Donegal Prospectus showing their endorsement for the new publication