Cathedral Quarter in Letterkenny Launch New Heritage Map App

Cllr Gerry McMonagle, Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council, officially launched the new Cathedral Quarter Heritage Tour App in Dillon’s Hotel, Letterkenny on Wednesday, 12 July. The Heritage Tour App is a product of a collaboration between Donegal County Council and Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter group under the IMPROVE project.

The Heritage Tour App can be downloaded HERE onto mobile devices and computers and will give visitors the chance to explore the area at their own leisure. The app was developed by Darragh McDonagh from the Geographic Information Systems section of Donegal County Council, using information gathered by Cathedral Quarter committee member John Nee. All information available on the new Heritage Map App was validated by Kieran Kelly of Letterkenny Historical Society.

Darragh McDonagh (Donegal Maps, GIS section of Donegal County Council), John Nee (Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter), Cllr Gerry McMonagle (Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council), Paddy Friel (Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter, Chair), Gerard McCormack (President Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce), Donnan Harvey (Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter)

Speaking about the positive impact that the new Heritage Map will have in the area, Donnan Harvey, Cathedral Quarter said, “There are twenty points of interest on the Cathedral Quarter Map which include St Eunan’s Cathedral, Conwal Parish Church, Sentry Hill, Bishops Palace and Mount Southwell."

"Once the map is launched, we hope that it will be widely used and promoted by local businesses and the tourist authorities. We now look forward to seeing many tourists wandering around the Cathedral Quarter area whilst finding out about our proud history.”

Guest speakers at the official launch on Wednesday 12 July included Darragh McDonagh, Donegal County Council, Paddy Friel, Chair of Letterkenny Cathedral Quarter and representatives from Letterkenny Chamber of Commerce.